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  • Development of a method for analog signature analysis

    In modern times due to the growth of mass production of electronic devices, it becomes necessary to quickly and accurately verify their characteristics. At the same time, device testing, as a rule, includes a set of different types of checks performed at different stages of the production process. In particular, the analog signature analysis method is used for these purposes. It allows you to quickly detect faults at the component level, which makes it useful in various stages of production, such as incoming inspection, testing printed circuit boards or repairing faulty devices. This article discusses the basic principles of the method, as well as the features of its application.

    Keywords: analog signature analysis, component level testing, current-voltage characteristic, fault localization

  • A method for selecting the technology for strengthening the retaining walls has been developed by using injection anchors

    This article presents the existing technologies for implementing ground anchors - inside a casing pipe, without the use of a casing pipe and under using a bentonite clay. As a result, a method for selecting the technology for strengthening the retaining walls has been developed by using injection anchors.

    Keywords: excavation, ground anchors, spacer mounts, foundation pit cofferdam, technology of the device

  • A software package for automatic fixation of a person's galvanic skin response with subsequent analysis to determine the emotional state of a person

    This article proposes the development of a method for fixing changes in the galvanic skin response and human pulse, depending on the viewing of a video fragment, which presumably causes a certain emotional reaction of a person. The creation of a prototype device on the Arduino Leonardo platform and compatible with this platform sensors for fixing galvanic skin response and a human pulse sensor is described, with the help of which data is collected for further use in determining the emotional state of a person.

    Keywords: galvanic skin reaction, pulse, emotional state, arduino, emotion

  • Study of the operation of a local recirculation diffuser in an office space during the period of operation

    a study of a ventilation system with a local recirculating diffuser was carried out. A three-dimensional model of the office space has been built. Using the STAR-CCM + hydrodynamic computing complex, a numerical simulation of the ventilation system has been performed. The calculation results are analyzed, the advantages of the investigated system are given.

    Keywords: ventilation systems, local recirculating diffuser, indoor air quality, energy saving, numerical simulation, STAR-CCM +

  • Development of a software module for drawing and report generation based on the results of strength validation of metal structures in a two-dimensional setting

    Bar structures are widespread in construction due to their economy, freedom of design shapes and sizes. As a result, automation of design and calculation of such structures is an urgent task. As part of the study, the task of developing a software module that generates output documents of a web application for calculating bar metal structures has been implemented. The software is developed on the .NET platform using the Spire.Doc and netDxf plug-in libraries. The developed module generates AutoCAD-compatible drawings and text reports in accordance with Russian standard SP 16.13330. The possibility of automated generation of reports allows more efficient use of the computing complex in production, cost reduction and calculation accuracy increase.

    Keywords: Design in construction, bar structure, computing system, web development, report, drawing

  • Features of construction and technical judicial expertise when assessing the quality of roll roofing repairs after the example of a multi-storey residential building in the city of Rostov-on-Don

    This work is devoted to the problem of conducting a construction and technical judicial examination of a rolled roof after repair. The relevance of the use of roll roofing and its defects are considered. An example with a poor-quality roof repair is reviewed. Besides faults of the management of the homeowners' association were noted. These faults led to the emergence of ambiguity during the examination. They do not allow to interpret the situation in favor of the residents of the house fully, despite the obvious violations of the requirements of regulatory documents and the identification of significant defects. Considered a situation in which a dispute about the type of repair and related judical issues arises. Conclusions based on the results of the study were made.

    Keywords: construction and technical judicial expertise, roll roofing, flat roof, maintenance, major repairs, defect, breach of joints

  • Algorithms for the chatbot to search for products

    This article discusses the algorithms used for the operation of the chatbot. Within the framework of these algorithms, a general approach to the operation of dialog systems is considered. And the algorithm of the dialog system is proposed, based on a general approach, which includes a natural language processing module. The algorithms that will be applied to the chatbot to search for products of interest to the user are also presented. Among the considered algorithms are such as the algorithm of interaction between the user and the chatbot, the processing of user requests and the algorithm of natural language processing. A modified algorithm for natural language processing is also presented, taking into account the necessary requirements.

    Keywords: chatbot, natural language processing, user request processing, named entity recognition, dialog manager, dialog system

  • Analysis of a typical planning solution on the example of a 2-room apartment in Moscow

    The aim of the work was to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of a typical 2-room apartment and find the optimal solution for redevelopment. As an example, we selected a typical planning solution from the developer of a two-room apartment in a multi-storey residential building. The article considers a variant of apartment remodeling in order to improve the housing characteristics of the premises. It is concluded that the typical rational solution for reconstruction is the reorganization of auxiliary premises in favor of residential premises, changing their configurations. The logic of applying the principles of free planning is reduced to creating conditions for comfortable spatial interaction of functional zones.

    Keywords: Planning solution, apartment, functional areas, ergonomics, remodeling, living area, wet area, interior, visualization, furniture arrangement, redevelopment, area, insolation, installation, dismantling, building codes

  • Assessment of the technical condition and modern methods of strengthening the bowl of a reinforced concrete pool in the development of project documentation for major repairs or reconstruction of capital construction facilities

    The article discusses modern methods of strengthening the bowl of a reinforced concrete pool in the development of project documentation for major repairs or reconstruction of capital construction objects based on the results of the survey and assessment of the technical condition of structures. To implement design solutions for strengthening the pool bowl, other methods can also be used, for example, using modern methods of strengthening using composite materials [9-11]. This will increase the rigidity of each structure and the bowl as a whole. The development and implementation of these design solutions using modern methods will allow you to qualify the design of the pool bowl in a working state and return the ability to perceive all the loads acting on it.

    Keywords: reinforcement, major repairs, reconstruction, design solutions, reinforced concrete, composite, strength, load-bearing capacity

  • Simulation of the interaction between a retail enterprise and a commercial bank

    The development of the construction industry leads to an increase in small businesses both in construction and in the sale of building materials. Besides, small business fills the market with various goods, solves various social and economic issues such as unemployment, industry monopoly. However, its activity can't exist without sufficient financial support. A two-level mathematical model of interaction between a retail enterprise and a commercial bank as a funding structure is considered. To research the proposed model, the method of simulation modeling based on numerical search was used. A computer program was created to build a Stackelberg equilibrium algorithm with hierarchical control as an impulsion. The algorithm can be used to find the optimal values of the control parameters of an individual entrepreneur and a commercial bank. These values maximize the objective functions and profit of the system participants. The identification of the proposed model was carried out on the basis of data obtained from the Internet. Finally, the results were obtained using numerical examples.A number of conclusions could be made about the functioning of the entire system.

    Keywords: hierarchy,two-level system, credit, Stackelberg, small business, bank

  • Evaluation of the efficiency of a dust collection system with one cleaning stage with vortex devices and a separator-concentrator

    The article describes the design solution of a system for dedusting emissions into the atmospheric air using vortex inertial devices with counter-swirling flows (CSF) and a separator-concentrator. An approach to evaluating the efficiency of such a dust collection system is described. Analytical dependencies and a flowchart for calculating the efficiency of the system are presented.

    Keywords: vortex inertial dust collector with counter swirled flows (CSF), separator-concentrator, dust collecting system, dust cleaning efficiency

  • Some aspects of the technology of conducting the restoration of the facade on a newly discovered object of cultural heritage

    Technologies of carrying out restoration work on the newly identified object of cultural heritage are given. The types and methods of carrying out repair and restoration work in the conditions of urban development are considered. Recommendations for the most efficient use of material resources are given. The algorithm for carrying out repair and restoration work is being analyzed.

    Keywords: work technology, repair, restoration work, cultural heritage object, building structures, buildings and structures

  • Local stresses in a steel beam, prestressed stretching of web

    The article deals with the case when a concentrated force is applied to the web of a prestressed beam. The preliminary shear stresses do not affect the stress state in the middle of the beam span. However, preliminary normal stresses will act over the entire height of the wall and affect the distribution of the zone of local stresses and the stress state of the web. Determination of stresses in a beam is based on the beam theory of S.P. Timoshenko. The article presents a system of equivalent forces on the edges of the wall and the equation of normal stresses in the cross section of a prestressed beam. Compared to a conventional beam, prestressing reduces normal stresses from concentrated forces.

    Keywords: thin-walled structure, steel beam, I-beam cross-section, prestressing, local stresses, local effect, Saint-Venant principle, Timoshenko SP beam theory, Karman's solution, Fourier integral, stress function

  • Development of a software product for analysis and prediction of gas concentrations in power transformers oil

    The article is devoted to the development of a software product that analyzes the concentration of gases (H2; CO; C2H4; C2H2) measured in transformer oil and set as a function of time. Product development consists of two stages. The first step is the task of classifying transformers. The second stage is predicting reliable operation before a possible failure based on the concentrations of dissolved gases in the transformer oil set as the initial data. During the development of the software product, the frameworks for creating web applications Flask and ReactJS were used, the models were trained on the frameworks H2O.ai, LightGBM, Sklearn.

    Keywords: machine learning, regression, power transformers, gas concentration, web-service

  • Modern corner joints of factory-made glued beams

    As the object of research, the angular joints of glued wooden structures used for the construction of external enclosing structures in low-rise housing construction, made in factory conditions with modern equipment, were selected. As part of the work, the available literature on this topic was analyzed. The analysis of the variability of the use of modern corner joints of external walls for low-rise construction, made of glued beams, in the design and construction, taking into account the development of technical capabilities in modern industries. Describes the old and new device technology, corner joints, indicating the advantages and disadvantages of such compounds, describes the technical characteristics of the used elements. Conclusions are drawn, as well as recommendations for the further use of these materials in design and construction.

    Keywords: glued wood, structural features of corner joints, production of wooden structures