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  • Comprehensive spatial data system Rail infrastructure

    The object of the research, the result of which is the presented work, is a comprehensive system of spatial data of the railway infrastructure, within which a high-precision system of coordinates of the Russian Railways has been created, and methods definition of normal heights in the Baltic Heights System 1977. The strategy and prospects for the development of high-speed transport highways (VSM) have been described. Methods for determining normal heights at research sites are given.

    Keywords: Global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), GLONASS, high-speed highway (Navy), high-precision coordinate system (WCC), altitude system, quasi-geoid

  • Judicial value examination as a tool for resolving a dispute about the value of the original value of the pledged property

    To date, the socio-economic situation in the country creates for the population quite significant obstacles in the implementation of tasks for the purchase of housing and other real estate through mortgage lending. However, when it comes to collecting the amounts owed on the loan, banks are faced with an analysis of the prospects for the sale of mortgaged property, as a result of which, in most cases, come to the conclusion that the original sale price of the mortgaged property with the realities of the market. In the article, the authors consider the judicial practice of determining the initial price of the mortgaged property and analyze the situation in which there is a need for judicial value examination, as well as give the main aspects of the methodology of this type of expertise. The purpose of the article is to form a clear idea of the reader about the process of resolving the dispute arising from the breach of obligations under the loan agreement.

    Keywords: expert, forensic examination, subject of pledge, cost examination, assessment report, methodology

  • Experience in using electrical exploration methods to assess the environmental safety of wind power plant construction in the Eastern Donba

    The article presents the results of complex geophysical studies to assess the environmental safety of the construction of wind power tower installations in order to prevent their design and construction in technogenic and tectonically disturbed zones on the territories of mountain branches of closed mines in the Eastern Donbass. The brief essence of electrical exploration technologies of electroprospecting method by electrical spatial filtering (MPEF) and electro-potential tomographic sensing (EPTS). The information content of the technologies used in conjunction with standard geophysical methods of electrical exploration (vertical electric sounding and seismic survey method of refracted waves) is shown. The results of interpretation of data obtained in the field are discussed. The results of the research were: - identification of EPTS technologies of structural inhomogeneities of the geological section of coal-bearing deposits with their division into lithological (repetition of the form on the electric profiling graphs shifted by the step of the feed line transfer) and tectonic or technogenic ones (difference electric probe curves at adjacent points) - detailing of destructive zones identified by EPTS using MPEF technology: 1) inversions of electro-profiling graphs registered with multidirectional electric field excitation. 2) displacement of inversion points in places where tectonic discontinuities are present in the coal-bearing column.

    Keywords: complex of geophysical research, wind power stations, electrical and seismic methods, coal-bearing thickness, rock formations, tectonic discontinuities, mine workings, interpretation of geophysical materials

  • Language for describing models of objects and processes for a system for automatically generating monitoring programs for the Internet of things

    Models of monitoring program generation systems are proposed that can significantly reduce the cost of time and other resources for monitoring complex technical objects. Systems are considered at several levels: subsystems and modules, communication links, usage scenarios, physical representations. A technique for adapting system models to subject areas is proposed.

    Keywords: complex technical object, monitoring, models of software systems, program generation

  • Evaluation of the efficiency of electromagnetic shielding of metal construction and finishing materials with different form factor

    One of the main sources of electromagnetic radiation in the environment are power lines, not taking into account this fact, there are increasingly cases of construction of buildings in close proximity to the boundaries of the security zones of air lines. The purpose of this study is to improve the electromagnetic safety of the population, as a result of the use in the construction of residential facilities located near overhead power lines, structural and finishing materials with the greatest shielding ability. On the example of "corrugated Board" of different brands, used as a shielding material, the indicators reflecting the efficiency of electromagnetic shielding are obtained. Also, according to the results of the study, it was found that not only the raw material from which the material is made plays a role in the shielding of the electric field, but also its form factor.

    Keywords: electromagnetic radiation, electric field, security zone, shielding ability, voltage class, power line, material

  • Text fragment meaning search model

    The object of research is the consideration and analysis of such a field as information retrieval. Given the rapid growth in the number of electronic documents, the tasks of their clustering, classification and ordering become very relevant. The work also indicates the need for creating formal methods for the semantics of texts and their processing. In addition, a software product was created that implements such a functional of semantic analysis as context and contextual bundle. The scientific novelty is to teach the machine to disclose the physical meaning in the documentation of a technical nature, to optimize the search for the necessary data

    Keywords: semantics, contextual connective, reverse polish notation, clustering, context

  • Adaptation of work of the enterprise of car service to seasonal fluctuation of demand for THAT and repair of motor vehicles

    Features of functioning of the enterprises of car service at increase in seasonal demand for THAT and repair of motor vehicles are considered. For the analysis of their activity in the conditions of limited resources and a random flow of applications (requirements) the device of system of Queuing is applied

    Keywords: Enterprise car service, the flow of requirements probability, criteria, costs, efficiency

  • Software for multivariate analysis of variance

    The object of research in this article has become a rather important topic of describing such a statistical method as analysis of variance. The fact is that many software products consider, basically, a case when the number of factors is not more than two. With the exception of such a powerful product as a SPSS Statistica. The same can be attributed to scientific works, where the method of analysis of variance with a large number of factors is very rarely considered and described (often, when it comes to multifactorial analysis of variance, two factors are also considered). Therefore, an analysis was made of the existing mathematical apparatus, a proprietary idea was proposed for the implementation of this statistical method, and was created a software product to demonstrate how its work.

    Keywords: variance analysis, general case, software implementation

  • The use of expanded perlite sand for the production of thermoplastic elastomers for construction purposes

    In this paper, research on the development of methods for the production of thermoplastic elastomers for construction purposes based on styrene-butadiene-styrene rubber filled with expanded perlite, studied the performance characteristics of these materials. Various methods for the modification of thermoplastic elastomers, their processing modes and methods of controlling their properties are considered.

    Keywords: thermoplastic elastomers, expanded perlite, production methods, material characteristics, density, physical and mechanical properties

  • The use of plates of non-combustible basalt insulation ROCKWOOL for thermal insulation of external walls and increase the plasticity of the facades of buildings

    The possibility of using an effective insulation of rigid slabs of non-combustible basalt insulation ROCKWOOL not only to ensure the thermal properties of the outer walls, but also to improve the plasticity of the facades of buildings, due to the device protruding on the facade of vertical pilasters, horizontal belts, volumetric geometric patterns using the facade system ROCKFACADE. According to the results of the study on this topic, the conclusions are given.

    Keywords: effective insulation, non-combustible mineral wool ROCKWOOL insulation, outer wall, plastic, building facade, pilasters, belt, ROCKFACADE

  • Ranking of factors in the assessment of thermal protection of objects

    Made of a priori ranking factors allowing prediction of thermal protection of objects, represented a formalized scheme of the multifactor experiment, the effects of the determining factors for the thermal protection of the object with a different response function.

    Keywords: energy saving, energy efficiency, thermal protection of buildings, multifactorial experiment, ranking factors

  • Application of logistics approaches to the use of cable cars on the example of the mountain resort "ROSA KHUTOR»

    In the article the features of application of logistic approaches of the organization of movement of the cable cars, as well as the method of selecting the cable car and the slopes at various characteristics of the operation of the complex. The results of experimental research on the network of cable cars of the mountain resort "Rosa Khutor"are offered. The paper uses the methods of monitoring the movement of passengers on cable cars by means of identification by ski pass and GPS

    Keywords: transport mobility, route network, public transport, automated monitoring of passenger traffic, logistics approach, cable car, monitoring of cable car congestion on-line, traffic volume, digital transport management system

  • The methods and means used by the expert-builder when conducting judicial construction technical expertizes

    Article is devoted to acquaintance with methods which are used in the work by experts-builders when conducting construction technical expertizes of building constructions, buildings and a construction. The list of the main methods used in researches by the expert is provided and also each method is considered in more detail.

    Keywords: Method, examination, expert, technique, fundamental principle, special case, graphic model, construction designs, construction technical expertize

  • Software for multifactor regression analysis in violation of the assumption of the normal law distribution of observations

    This article discusses the use of regression analysis in violation of the assumption of the normal distribution of observations. The analysis of the following work illustrated that the theoretical distribution of observations may differ significantly from practical research if normal law is rejected. To solve this problem, which is one of the central ones in statistical analysis, stable estimation methods were studied and applied. Based on the results obtained, a software product was developed that implements this statistical method.

    Keywords: Normal law distribution of observations, stable estimation methods, M-estimates, software implementation

  • Radiating profile array antenna

    The paper deals with the theoretical substantiation of the directional properties of the antenna arrays of a parametric profilograph intended for installation on an underwater uninhabited apparatus. A feature of such systems is the structural limitations of the overall dimensions of the carrier, which do not allow the antenna system to be implemented on the principles of linear hydroacoustics in the radiation mode. To solve this problem, we simulated the directional properties of the antenna arrays of the pump converter of a parametric profilograph. The directivity characteristics calculated for the center frequency of pumping in the diametral and traverse planes make it possible to take into account the expansion of the directivity of the radiating antenna when compensating for specified angles. The obtained values ​​of the estimation of the change in the directivity characteristic by the level of 0,7 make it possible to ensure the necessary axial concentration ratio of the radiating antenna of the profilograph for each of the working frequencies.

    Keywords: parametric profilograph, bottom survey, pumping antenna, directional characteristic, scanning, side-lobe level