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  • Theoretical aspects of the situation-forecast orientation of marketing communications in the complex marketing competence in case of the promotion of administrative services

    The author reviews the basic content of  marketing competence in theoretical terms.  The marketing competence includes  situational forecasting orientation for  effective marketing communications building at promoting business services.

    Keywords: marketing competence, situationally-future orientation, marketing communications, business, management service

  • Background for innovation policyin food services

    The paper analyzesthe background for innovation policyin catering. The paper studiesthe current situation in the industry of Yekaterinburg, reveals significantfactors influencingconsumer’s choiceof food services,consideringthe latesttechnologicalequipment usedin the industry.

    Keywords: food service industry, innovation policy, quality and safety management

  • Processing of spatial information about the boundaries of sanitary zones of waste landfills on the basis of fuzzy logic

    The method of application of fuzzy logic to solve the problem of spatial planning using geographic and information systems is described. The spatial arrangement of objects on the map is used as input factors of the solution, to find which a model of the spatial descriptions of objects using a bitmap representation is constructed. The way of formalizing fuzzy judgments about positional relationship of objects and the system of inference making based on the fuzzy logic methods is developed. An example of using the method described in this article to determine the sanitary protection zone of industrial waste landfill in the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan is given

    Keywords: fuzzy logic, geographic information systems, the problem of territorial planning, disposal of industrial waste, protection zones

  • About research of the onboard integrated control system by aircraft with correction of coordinates

    The work is devoted to the study of algorithms of control subsystem as part of the integrated onboard control system of the aircraft and used in the final part of the trajectory. Algorithms of control subsystems are synthesized on the basis of the theory of optimized delta-transformations of the second order using the principle of the inverted pendulum on a cart. The studies based on the simulation using the developed software model, allowed to estimate as the impact dispersion, and the contribution to it of various subsystems.

    Keywords: terminal control, aircraft, on-board integrated control system, optimized delta transformation of the second order, autonomous short range radionavigation system, simulation, software model

  • Technology works with increased soil ground water retaining structures

    In this paper the technology of repair of ground water retaining structures soil mixture improved quality with and without soil mixture install.Use soil mixture , improved sharps and ensure the return of ashes (repaired ) slopes and ridge structures of high strength (up to 13-15 MPa) and water resistance , thus increasing the effectiveness and quality of the repair work and increased resistance to the elements of the structures induced defect . The presence of the bran soil mixture not only enhances the strength of 30-40% , but also gives a significant increase in water and frost (20-30 %), which prevent or substantially reduce the infiltration of water through the filtration body water retaining structures , since high strength and frost soil-concrete being laid on a slope ( in the recovery slope failure ) and groove (at soil dumping and capacity to or in excess of the design marks ) will reliably protect the body of the dams ( dams ) of the drawdown , erosion , buckling , suffusion , and other deformities.

    Keywords: technology, dribble feed , soil mixture, sift, cement, fly ash, dam, construction and repair operations, soil mixture installation, factors plan of the experiment, the regression equation

  • Term of self-bearing fiber-optical cable electrical conductance. Experimental information

    In the article authors examine specificities of internal components behavior changing in fiber-optical cable under influence of strong variable uniform electromagnetic field. There are some process variations proposed for describing of obtained results.

    Keywords: fiber-optical cable, electrothermal degradation, kevlar, conductivity, open fiber-optical cable, partial discharges, water treeing

  • Comparative analysis of the syntactic parsers organization

    The article describes peculiarities of modern syntax parser systems and problems originating in text analysis. As a result of comparative analysis the authors propose a unified approach to processing of unstructured texts in Russian and English which combines morphology and syntax processing. The developed syntax analysis system, using verbs’ valency dictionary, samples of minimal structural schemes of sentences and samples of conjunctions, allows choosing predicative structures of sentences in the text, realizing initial semantic analysis due to semantic content of predicate’s actants and building trees of syntactical subordination of sentences. The derived trees hold elements of tree of constitutives and tree of dependences. The proposed samples and rules organization allows resolving some of the problems of modern parsers. And the use of verbs’ valency dictionary allows reducing the number of sentences syntax analysis variants.

    Keywords: automatic text processing; syntax parser; morphological analysis; structural text elements

  • Subject and factorial analysis of creation and cost distribution

    The article opens the analysis of a role of factors of production in economic processes. The conclusion that a key influencing element of domination of a factor of production is ensuring competitive advantage with it in production is reasoned. Theoretical justification of influence of a key factor of production on processes of creation and cost distribution is given. Comparison of use of dominating factors of production and their contribution to economic development of the country is given in article. Comparison is given over economically developed countries and Russia. Also researches of innovative development of the countries are given in article, given the International research groups, and the main problems of formation and development of the Russian national innovative system are specified.

    Keywords: cost, production factor, cost creation, cost distribution, economic subject, innovations, high technologies

  • Experemental researches of the receiving modes of a rough metal surfaces in vacuum arc discharge

    In this work experimentally investigated the possibilities of the new method of obtaining adjustable roughness on metal surfaces electrothermal influence of mobile cathode spots in vacuum arc discharge. Presents the results of processing of various surfaces using this method. Proposed working modes of processing of metal surfaces with the aim to receive as minimum and maximum roughness.

    Keywords: roughness of metal surfaces, vacuum arc discharge, cathodic spots

  • System of designing multifunctional reconfigurable intelligent sensors in educational process

    The article is devoted to the system of designing multifunctional reconfigurable intelligent sensors (MRIS), examines results of application of MRIS in development of educational laboratory test benches for monitoring of parameters of environment

    Keywords: intelligent sensors, system developing, MRIS, educational laboratory test benches

  • Some aspects of the reversibility of processes in linear electric circuits second order

    The paper gives the definition of reversibility, which can be used in the theory of linear circuits. To determine the conditions of the processes in reverse sequence selected linear second order circuit containing two reactive elements L and C. For a linear circuit at the time of switching current (or voltage ) can be written as the sum of two components : compulsory and free. Conditions for reversibility constrained component current (or voltage ) can be obtained a corresponding change of parameters independent sources of electrical energy. For a free component of the reversibility of the process can be achieved by changing the signs of the circuit elements in such a way that the signs of the roots of the characteristic equation is reversed . This switching can be realized if all the resistors in the multipole synthesized based on analog - digital-analog elements.

    Keywords: A reversible process, electrical circuit, current, switching, multipole, input impedance, the characteristic equation

  • Mechatronic measuring module parameters of the executive movements machine system

    In this paper is offered hydraulic sensor to measure the kinematic, power and energy parameters. Developed scheme and the principles of the hydraulic sensor.  Identification  on the special flow lab with real modes of the device is determined by its performance in different conditions. Approximation of the results received dependences flow and pressure drop characteristics on the speed and entrance pressure, allowed more correctly assess and describe the operation of the hydraulic sensor over the entire range of speed and entrance pressure.

    Keywords: hydraulic sensor, spilling method, flow and pressure drop characteristics, multifunction control unit.

  • The potential of using biogas in the agricultural region

    The article deals with the issues of self-sustaining development of agricultural areas. Stated that the main cause of subsidy dependence of modern agriculture is the high consumption of motor fuel. Analyze the structure and the main directions of the consumption of motor fuel. The possibility of replacing the traditionally used oil fuel for its biological counterparts, produced independently. Proposed a set of measures aimed at achieving energy self-sufficiency agriculture and including the introduction of energy-saving technologies, including in the field of transport. As well as the implementation of new organizational and economic forms that combine on the basis of horizontal connections.

    Keywords: bioenergy, renewable energy, biofuel, energy-saving technology, aricultural region;

  • Rationale for ways to increase efficiency operation of logging truck

    An analysis of the problem of increasing the efficiency of the functioning of the logging trucks for hauling timber to the lower timber depots and consumers. Proposed technical solutions for of raising cross-trains in complex natural and industrial environments.

    Keywords: Active semi-trailer used forestry, passableness, prosary operation.

  • The problem of reducing the negative impact of the transport sector on the environment on the basis of the mechanismdisposal of waste oils

    The problem of efficient use of lubricants in service of railway technology, based on a system for the collection of used oil and re-use them after regeneration. The analysis of the consumption of lubricants and identify possible potential resource - the volume of used oil and the resulting volume of recovered oil.

    Keywords: oils, operation of transport equipment, used oil, used oil collection, regeneration