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  • A special device for winding coils of current transformers

    Industrial machines provide a current transformer coil winding round the circuit. The need arose at the plant in the winding coils of square contour and to enhance the technological capabilities of your machine will offer a special tool. It is installed on the machine by plates on which the whole device is fixed. Coil is based on the internal circuits. Winding spool carried hook-owned machine, while the coil is moved relative to the hook-spool path corresponding to the four crank curve λ-shaped hinge mechanism Chebyshev.

    Keywords: coil, transformer winding, machine, device, plate, hinge mechanism, the shuttle-spool, crank

  • Environmental, economic and social efficiency of resource use in world space scale

    The article is devoted to the solution of problems of effective and safe management in the global scale of the space as a whole and in individual territories. The relationship of economic and environmental security of the world community can be characterized as socio-ecological and economic security, which characterizes the steady state of progressive development of society based on sustainable use and protection of natural resources as a basis for her life under the destructive influence of various external and internal factors. In addition, because the processes associated with security, in essence, are the management, we also need the presence of the subject, ensuring safety,which is considered the productive sector of the economy of each state. The purpose of eco-economic system of environmental management in the global community is the environment in the development of mutually beneficial political and economic relations between .

    Keywords: environmental safety, economic growth, international exposure, innovative-investment process, the system of nature management, efficiency, environmental and economic strategy

  • Zinc-containing modifying additives role in formation of silicate-natric composite material

    Long-range building materials with possible complex of desired properties are silicate-natric adhesive-based composites. One of effective ways to increase silicate-natric composites water resistance is using of modifying compounds containing polyad metals ions (Zn2+,Ca2+,Mg2+,Al3+). This paper presents some patterns of silicate-natric composites structuring with ethanoate zinc as a water solution. There are results of X-ray phase analysis of silicate-natric composites sample. X-ray phase analysis (XPA) was held with diffractometer проводился на дифрактометре DXGP-4 using X-ray tube with anode copper (Сu-K излучение). For analyzing XRD patterns date base PCPDFWIN, v. 2.02, 1999, (JCPDS) was used. It is clear that as a result of sodium silicate and ethanoate zinc water solutions interaction in optimal range zinc salt is fully under alkaline hydrolysis. It is also highly likely that this interaction produces supplementary compounding sodium acetate, at the initial stage, and various forms of zinc orthosilicate and hydrooxyde, characterized as insoluble and low-soluble compounds respectively, that promotes water resistance increasing of studied composites, when low-baked (110°С). In terms of researches compounds of various profiles are developed and recommended (heat-isolating, heat-isolating-constructive, constructive) with high functional and operating characteristics).

    Keywords: liquid nitric glass, ethanoate zinc, modifying, alkaline hydrolysis, zinc orthosilicate, zinc hydrooxyde, sodium acetate, cushioning parameter, water resistance, silicate-natric composites

  • Research of devices of registration of ionic current in the combustion chamber

    In article the comparative analysis of various versions of circuitry solutions of realization of devices of registration of ionic current, is made, theoretical justification of almost known advantages and shortcomings of the considered devices. In article are given the experimental data obtained at registration of a signal of ionic current by various devices. Is made processing of oscillograms and shown qualitative advantage of the device of registration of ionic current with the stabilized boost converter for the solution of problems of registration of a signal of ionic current with increased requirements to quality of a signal.

    Keywords: internal combustion engine, signal of ionic current, energy, spark discharge, device of registration

  • Features of formation of composite coatings with copper-nickel-phosphorus matrix

    The features of the formation of composite coatings deposition layered matrix with alternating layers of nickel and copper by chemical vapor deposition. It is shown that the deposition process is oscillatory, detects the presence of polyvinylpyrrolidone, obrazuyuschegokompleksnye connection with copper and nickel.

    Keywords: composite coating, chemical vapor deposition, nickel, copper, polyvinylpyrrolidone, oscillatory deposition process, the complex compound of nickel and copper

  • Assortiment of woody plants for biological recultivation of bottomset beds polygons after cleaning rivers

    To create in Rostov-on-Don, ecologically effective, technologically advanced and durable green plantings to solve the problem: 1. Create a variety of trees for landscaping cities and towns; 2. Determine the principles of green plantings, ensuring their maximum environmental efficiency. In the steppe zone of Russia should use the structure of the park, with a high proportion of dense plantings (400 trees per hectare) of long-lived trees of the first magnitude.

    Keywords: biological recultivation, small rivers, bottomset beds, assortiment of woody plants, Rostov region

  • Formation of array nanoparticles during electrodeposition platinum on glassy carbon and dispersed carbon support

    In the present study, platinum was electrodeposited onto rotating disc electrode coated with Vulcan XC-72R Nafion suspension and uncoated smooth glassy carbon electrode from acidic solution of 5mМ H2PtCl6. The electrochemically active surface area of platinum particles obtained was determined by cyclic voltammetry and the structural characteristic of the particles was studied by scanning electron microscopy. The impact of current and time on the electrochemically active surface area of platinum particles electrodeposited on the carbon supports was also investigated and described in this paper. The present work is expected to be utilized and contribute to the improvement of electrochemically active surface area of platinum catalysts for low temperature fuel cells.

    Keywords: galvanostatic electrodeposition, chronopotentiometric curves, chloroplatinic acid, vulcan XC-72R, fuel cells

  • The horseshoe is a symbol of Nalchik in the architecture of CBD capital city

    The authors, based on the study of historical materials, analysis of architectural solutions constructed buildings, as well as the design of local architects, associate a symbol, Nalchik - a Shoe with his name. On the basis of various examples show the use of the symbol of the city - horseshoe as an architectural element (image) buildings and structures (entry sign, in Nalchik, the architect W. H. Carter; project stables Nalchik Hippodrome, architect W. L. Aliev; the reconstruction project of the shopping center "Nalchik", architects design Studio "KabBalktelecom"; project Newsstand, in Nalchik, the architect W. L. Eliev). The authors emphasize a pretty bad use of the symbol of the city horseshoe in the reconstruction of the shopping center "Nalchik": designed space-sham construction on the corner of the building facing the intersection of two main avenues, Nalchik, etc. to them. Kuliev, etc. to them. Lenin. In the final part of the article the authors recommend local architects often prinosit national motifs (based on the rich national culture of the indigenous peoples inhabiting the Republic) in the development of their projects, and to use the symbol, Nalchik is a horseshoe, as the architectural tectonics in the projected buildings.

    Keywords: the symbol of the city, horseshoe, architecture, entry sign, architectural composition, race track, shopping centre, Newsstand, ornament.

  • Super deep penetration - new method of nanoreinforced composites producing based on polymer matrixes

    The influence of mixing method of isoprene rubber with nanofillers on the properties of nanocompositions is investigated. It is shown that (Super deep penetration) SDP method is more effective than mixing of components in melt.

    Keywords: Super deep penetration, montmorillonite, wollastonite, nanofillers.

  • Detoxication of pesticide and other toxic substance remains in soil with the help of nanomaterials

    Intensification of agricultural production involves a large – scale use of fertilizers, plant protection means against pests, diseases and weeds, all those are used within various modern agro-technologies, which leads to soil intoxication with residual amounts of pesticides and agrochemicals. Therefore, a comprehensive approach is necessary for preparing the soil for further sowing. We have carried out the research using activated carbons obtained from agricultural residues.

    Keywords: detoxication, pesticide, toxic substance,active carbon, nanomaterials, (nano)chips, pre-sowing seed treatment;growth, development, the incidence of plants, the quantity and quality of their crop

  • Nanocomposite organic-hybrid materials

    In this article is reviewed the nature of organic hybrid nanocomposites. Promising directions in the field of organic hybrid nanocomposite materials will be methods for the synthesis of multicomponent materials, as well as the type of "net net" and "host-guest". The fundamental problem with the chemistry and physics of nanocomposites is dependent "structure-property". Solving this problem will move from research materials to their purposeful design.

    Keywords: nanocomposite sol-gel technology, synthesis, nanoparticles.

  • Ecological model of vegetation steppes of the Don basin

    The paper provides information on the results of ordination analysis of Don basin steppes

    Keywords: ordination, Don basin, steppes

  • The increase of production efficiency carrots when using pre-sowing laser processing of seeds and improved storage technologies

    installation and the results of 2 years field experiment, experimental data on the effect of presowing treatment of seeds carrots laser on yield and its structure, as well as the safety of the crop. The research results confirm the positive influence of the pre-sowing seed treatment with laser on increasing productivity of carrot and can be recommended for use in the technology of cultivation. The possibility of regulation of the microclimate of vegetable store in the storage conditions carrots with the application of electroaerosol. The material has both scientific and production concern.

    Keywords: carrots, laser processing, productivity, multiple-factor experiment, field experiment.

  • The computational model is based on the dependence of viscosity and permeability of the porous layer of the pressure-layer hydrodynamic lubrication

    In this paper, based on the Navier-Stokes equations , the continuity equation , taking into account the pressure dependence of viscosity , Darcy equation taking into account the dependence of the permeability of the porous layer of the pressure given by the exact method of forming a self-similar solution of the problem of calculating the hydrodynamic journal bearing operating at three-layer lubricant . As a result, found the velocity field and the pressure in the lubricating layer and the analytical expressions for the components of the supporting forces and friction. Found rational bearing capacity values ​​characterizing different aspects of the functioning of the knot of friction , namely profile support surface ; special lubricating fluid interaction with the surfaces of the friction unit , taking into account the pressure dependence of viscosity ( the formation of intermediate layers with different lubricant viscosities ) .

    Keywords: three-layer lubrication, maintenance force adapted profile stratified flow.

  • Energy conservation during treatment of sewage from populated area

    At present an important role in solving energy conservation problem is assigned to thermal pumping plants (TPP). Using processes of evaporation and condensation of easily boiling liquid circulating in the system they extract low potential heat from environmental objects and provide heat supply for buildings, constructions, greenhousee and so on. Artificial sources of low potential heat for TPP of different capacity can be, for instance, ventilation air and exhaust gases, circulating and waste water,ground. Energy efficient reasonability of TPP use in the system of water disposal for the town of Novocherkassk in Rostov region is considered. Calculations indicate that there is a technical potential to replace a boiler house operating on expensive gas fuel and emissing into the atmospere more than 850 t of carbon dioxide - greenhouse gas - with ecologically clean TPP, one of which uses heat of waste water and the other - heat of ground.

    Keywords: thermal pumping plant, renewable sources, energy conservation, evaporation, condensation, waste water, ground