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  • Development of model of a complex assessment of investment appeal of subjects of business activity in the production sphere

      In article the model of a complex assessment of investment appeal of subjects of business activity taking into account definition of the directions of development of stock market as instrument of attraction of investments into the production sphere that served further development of provisions of the theory of strategic management by business activity therefore it is defined is proved that further development of production is caused by activization of business activity and is a basis of ensuring its efficiency.

    Keywords: business activity, investment appeal, investments, production sphere, strategic management, efficiency

  • Computation re-routing period to dynamic traffic rerouting

    In the implementation of dynamic re-routing of traffic it is important to notice that the threshold depends on the network layout and type of the roads. Full paper includes appropriate relationships, figures and analysis of simulation results to define the re-routing period of dynamic traffic rerouti  

    Keywords: re-routing, cycle, dynamic traffic assignment, level of services

  • Research the relationship between technological possibility forest machines with the parameters of forest environment

      To estimate the effectiveness of forest machines developed technological possibility coefficient. Coefficients reflect the ability to provide a given performance of transport vehicles in the logging, the decline in the quality of the skid road surface. Method allows determining the amount of logging residues, necessary for the skid road construction. At calculating the available volume accounted for logging residues. Resources of logging residues are calculated depending on the type of timber and the length of skid road. The method allows selecting the optimum system of machines to work in these natural production conditions or schedule performance loss due to reduced carrying capacity of skid road.

    Keywords: Cross country, technological passableness, forest machines, bearing capacity of soils, skid road, wood types, logging residues

  • Coalition model of multi-agent resource conversion process

    The paper focuses on one of possible approaches to decision support problem, which is based on multi-agent simulation modelling. Most decision support cases generally consist of a set of available alternatives definition, estimation and selection of the best one. When choosing a solution one needs to consider a large number of conflicting objectives and, thus, to estimate possible solutions on multiple criteria. Multi-agent resource conversion process model was developed on the basis of several approaches integration: simulation and situational modeling, expert and multi-agent systems, object-oriented approach. The multi-agent resource conversion process model was extended elements coalition. Apparatus of conflict modeling was extended communications. Creation and disintegration processes of coalition are starting structural and parametric changes in multi-agent resource conversion process model. Coalition multi agent model of resources conversion process was implemented in decision support system BPsim.

    Keywords: resource conversion process, multi-agent system, intelligent agent, coalition, decision making

  • Method of encoding numbers by DNA-chains and the basic operations to perform of arithmetic operations in the paradigm of DNA computing

    The main models of DNA computing are self-assembly of DNA and RDNA. Disadvantages of these models are low speed perform arithmetic operations, the high probability of errors of computing, and perform the calculation with only fixed-point numbers. In article is represented method of encoding numbers by DNA strands. Numbers can be encoded by any base initially. This method does not require to translate the number into a binary number system. Each number is encoded by digit with the DNA. As compared with known methods, the proposed method uses a shorter length of DNA strands. The proposed method can increase speed encoding of numbers, improve the accuracy of the calculations and to reduce errors in the formation of the encoded data. In article is represented also the operations to perform arithmetic operations. The use of the proposed method of encoding numbers and proposed operations over DNA allows to increase speed of computation, and perform calculations not only with fixed-point numbers and floating-point numbers.

    Keywords: encoding of numbers, DNA strands, operations with the DNA-chain, DNA computing

  • Regularity and reliability is in the estimation of quality of public passenger transport

     Quality of services of public passenger transport depends on many indexes. Reliability and regularity is important indexes of quality of public passenger transport. The example calculation of reliability is considered. Conclusions on reliability and regularity of routes are done  

    Keywords: quality, public passenger transport, regularity, reliability

  • Analysis of the basic characteristics and operation of landfills for the disposal of solid waste consumption

    The main characteristics of the different types of landfills for disposal of solid waste consumption: buried landfills poluzaglublenny landfills and surface polygon. For each landfills for disposal of solid waste consumption the features of operation  

    Keywords: Solid waste consumption, buried landfills, operation, poluzaglublenny landfills, surface polygons.

  • Monitor the development of service industries as a tool to improve competitiveness service sector of the economy of the Rostov region

      The paper presents the results of monitoring of service industries Rostov region, the dynamics of their services in different municipalities of the region, based on which the author has identified the main reasons for their uneven development.

    Keywords: service, sector, the enterprise, the scope, service, monitoring, Rostov region

  • Inductance per unit length of twisted pair at microwave frequencies

    Proposed an approach to calculate the inductance per unit length of twisted pair at microwave frequencies. Analytical relations to calculate the inductance per unit length of double line and twisted pair at microwave frequencies. An efficient algorithm for the approximate calculation of the inductance per unit length of twisted pair at any veins angle.

    Keywords: inductance per unit length, microwave frequency, twisted pair, double line, veins angle

  • Improved methods of selection of the site for the construction of solid waste landfills consumption

    Methodical principles for selection of sites for the construction of solid waste landfills consumption suggested by other authors, based on which proposed a new method of selection of the site for the construction of a solid waste landfill consumption, examines its main stages and highlights the main advantages  

    Keywords: Solid waste consumption, operation, methods of site selection for the disposal of solid waste consumption.

  • Problems of the organization the accessible environment on a public passenger transport

     The  availability problems of public passenger transport are examined. The comfort of boarding-landing of passengers is inspected.  Measures on the increase of availability of transport vehicles are developed    

    Keywords: availability of public passenger transport, transport vehicles, bus stop

  • Using of modeling of the road motion for estimation of the ecological condition is exposed-road network

    In the publication the problematics of an estimation of emissions of polluting substances from motor transport is stated. Aplying foreign experience in estimation of the ecological situation at modelin  

    Keywords: soiling the air pool, surge polluting material from motor transport, features of the transport flow.

  • Investigation of ZnO nanorods by photoluminescence technique for optimization characteristics of sensitive element SAW of CO sensor

      Sensitive element of CO sensor was created by pulsed laser deposition and it was integrated in device of surface acoustic waves (SAW). Photoluminescence was used to control of oxygen-related defects of ZnO nanorod arrays. It is shown that the deficiency of oxygen in zinc oxide nanorods can be increased by change in temperature synthesis of nanorods of 850 to 915 ° C with a high argon pressure, and control of the deficiency of oxygen by increasing the ratio of the intensity of radiation in the visible region of the luminescence intensity in the ultraviolet region of the spectrum can help to increase the sensitivity of CO.

    Keywords: ZnO nanorods, photoluminescence, CO sensor

  • The analysis of on-line transaction processing systems’ model with replication of database fragments designed by using principles the cloud environment

      The model of on-line transaction processing system architecture constructed by a principle of cloud structure is considered. The mathematical model of OLTP-system as the queuing system is offered. Results of modeling and their analysis are led.

    Keywords: On-line transaction processing system, Cloud architecture, Distributed database, Queuing system

  • A new approach to provide web accessibility for the blind users based on the enhance of navigational characteristics of web pages

    Most of web pages of the Web are inaccessible for the blind users. And the main reason is a lack of the semantics at the source code (technical) level of web pages and absence of the navigational components. In this work we propose a new web page representation---multiaxial navigation model---representing web documents in the form convinient for the blind users. Moreover, we present methodology for the navigation on the model proposed, that ensure an efficiency of user mobility. Automatic transformation of a web page into the multiaxial navigation model and navigation means are realized in the Blindzilla prototype. An efficiency of the proposed concepts is proven experimentally regarding contemporary screen readers, such as JAWS, Window-Eyes, and Fire Vox.

    Keywords: web accessibility, navigation, web page, web technologies