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  • Analysis of the condition of atmospheric air in industrial cities of the Rostov region

    The state of the atmospheric air in such industrial cities of the Rostov region, as Belaya Kalitva, Donetsk, Kamensk-Shakhtinsky over the last 10 years (2003-2012). Identified main pollution sources and priority pollutants. Analysis of the concentrations of pollutants in areas of concentration of industrial enterprises, on highways and in dwelling zones. It is established that industrial cities are specific «geochemical provinces», in which abnormally elevated concentrations of many chemical elements. On the background of the decrease of the role of industrial enterprises in the air pollution increases the role of motor transport  

    Keywords: Anthropogenous influence, industrial production, ecological situation, environment, an ecosystem, the industry, transport, pollution.

  • Assessment of the status of surface waters in the industrial cities of the Rostov region

    The state of surface water in such industrial cities of the Rostov region, as Belaya Kalitva, Donetsk, Kamensk-Shakhtinskiy. Identified the main sources of their pollution and priority pollutants. Analysis of the concentrations of pollutants in R. Sowing. Donets river and its tributaries. It is established that the water management situation in the industrial cities remains unfavourable, and the level of water pollution is assessed as «dirty»  

    Keywords: Anthropogenous influence, industrial production, ecological situation, environment, an ecosystem, the industry, transport, pollution, water objects.

  • Synthesis interpolation algorithm line segment for planning trajectory of confluent two-tier mechanism

    Considered original interpolation method of the working tool path using confluent two-unit manipulator. This method is based on the separation of the links on the master and slave and the use of polar coordinates to determine the incremental rotation of angle units. It is adapted for use calculating hardware with floating point.

    Keywords: two-tier mechanism, circular interpolation, the kinematic model, floating point operations, the static accuracy of interpolation

  • Modern status of the groundwater in the area of industrial cities Rostov region

    Reviewed the status of groundwater in such industrial cities of the Rostov region, as Belaya Kalitva, Donetsk, Kamensk-Shakhtinskiy. Identified the main sources of their pollution and priority pollutants. The causes of expansion spots dirty waters in the areas of industrial cities, education depression funnels. The conclusion about influence of a large number of technogenic factors on the change of the status of groundwater  

    Keywords: Anthropogenous influence, industrial production, ecological situation, environment, an ecosystem, the industry, transport, pollution, water objects.

  • Determination of displacements of shells variation-energy method

    In this paper a form of expression in the matrix to determine the unknown ratios in double rows, appoksimiruyuschih displacement of a point of the middle surface of the shell, which is used in calculating the shell variation-energy method  

    Keywords: envelope variation-energy method, the minimum total potential energy of the system, movement, deformation.

  • Propagation of acoustic waves in underground water pipelines

    In operation the case of distribution of an ultrasonic wave in a water pipe located in the dense ground and subject to activity of radial pressure of a ground is viewed.

    Keywords: acoustics, monitoring, ground, distribution, wave, water pipe

  • Own compensation of noise of voltage reference in continuous compensatory stabilizers

      This paper presents a method of constructing microwave selective amplifiers, which allows control Q and voltage gain at the frequency of quasi-resonance. The presented architecture selective amplifiers for SiGe process technology have low power consumption.

    Keywords: RC-filter, good quality, controlled selective amplifier, gain, frequency quasi-resonance

  • Electrodynamic modeling of piezoelectric sensors to monitor trunk water mains

    The description of electrodynamic model of the receiver of ultrasonic radiation on the basis of a piezoelectric is presented. Modelling was conducted with use of a method of electrodynamic analogies. The given method allows to apply an accessible arsenal of computational methods of electric circuits as analogues of the composite dynamic systems which class systems of monitoring of waterpipes concern.

    Keywords: acoustics, the control, piezoelectric transducer, the water pipeline.

  • Determine the effect of the support on the carrying capacity of grillage pile gain basement of the building with the differential settlement in Belovo Kemerovo region

    This article discusses the definition of the bearing capacity of piles to strengthen the base of the building, with the considering differential settlement, with formulation of a  nonlinear problem of a residential building in Belovo, Kemerovo region. These results were used at develop methodology for restoration of buildings and structures on the basis of monitoring  

    Keywords: differential settlement, bearing capacity of piles, physical nonlinear formulation, finite element method

  • Methods of estimating the adequacy of simulation results

    This paper describes application of different criteria for estimating parameters of traffic simulation. For comparison following methods were used: statistical methods for comparison of a flow and speed in control points of a network - analysis of variance (ANOVA), Theil's U-statistics; relationships between flow, density and speed; relationships between trip time and stop time with using two-fluid models of traffic flow. For this aim we also used concept of meta-model. In order to implement this method we need on the first step to create separately relationship between traffic flow parameters for observation and simulation data and then to estimate combined model. The paper included results of calculation  

    Keywords: validation, traffic, simulation, flow, speed

  • The use of piezoelectric sensors in the monitoring system of trunk water mains

    At the organization of system of monitoring of water supply systems, the important problem is definition of resistant to work of the sender and the receiver of an acoustical wave executed on the basis of piezoelectric transducers.

    Keywords: acoustics, the control, piezoelectric transducer, the water pipeline.

  • Stability analysis of slope cultivated wetland soils

      The article describes a new technology reclamation processing sloping land without recourse reservoir using subs oiler chisel type. Shows a model of stability of slopes wetland soils processed by the proposed method. 

    Keywords: stability, subsurface wall area loosening, sloping lands, accumulation of moisture-treated layer, wetland soils, deep loosening

  • Nested metagraphs as models of complex objects

    "The concept of the nested metagraph as the model of a complex object with different levels of generalization is introduced. It is shown that the nested metagraphs reflect the general system concept for description of complex objects with synergistic effect. This approach enables moving from the set-theoretic description of complex objects to their algebraic-theoretic description, thus increasing the model adequacy to real-life objects. The application of the nested metagraphs, in particular to business-intelligence and semantic search is considered. "

    Keywords: nested metagraphs, complex object, hyperedge as the essence, business analysis, a semantic network

  • Development of model of a complex assessment of investment appeal of subjects of business activity in the production sphere

      In article the model of a complex assessment of investment appeal of subjects of business activity taking into account definition of the directions of development of stock market as instrument of attraction of investments into the production sphere that served further development of provisions of the theory of strategic management by business activity therefore it is defined is proved that further development of production is caused by activization of business activity and is a basis of ensuring its efficiency.

    Keywords: business activity, investment appeal, investments, production sphere, strategic management, efficiency

  • Computation re-routing period to dynamic traffic rerouting

    In the implementation of dynamic re-routing of traffic it is important to notice that the threshold depends on the network layout and type of the roads. Full paper includes appropriate relationships, figures and analysis of simulation results to define the re-routing period of dynamic traffic rerouti  

    Keywords: re-routing, cycle, dynamic traffic assignment, level of services