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  • The development strategy of the company in the context of the dynamics of its property

    The paper discusses options for building enterprise development strategies and formulation of strategic accounting of property on the basis of the strategies. Strategic Property records organized using tools accounting engineering, allowing to determine a reasonable estimate of the property on a date distributions and dynamics

    Keywords: strategic development, strategic account ownership, accounting tools engineering, dynamics of Ownership

  • On the development of the wave theory of viruses

      We propose a model describing the motion of the wave of viruses inside and outside of living matter. It is shown that the Schrodinger equation can be used in the analysis of movement of the virus, as a physical material object in physical space. We calculated the de Broglie wavelength of the virus. The mechanism of viral diseases is shown as an interaction of genetic apparatus of human cells with the field structure of viruses. The concept of information-wave virus is given. The results of studies on patients with the use of information-wave of viruses, generated by a special generator of digital codes, are given. It is shown that the reliability of the mechanism of cell damage by wave digital information and viruses on the basis of vegetative resonance test. The reliability of the mechanism of cell damage by information-wave digital viruses is shown with the use vegetative resonance test. The conclusion that the suppression of viruses can be realized with the use of radiation from a special generator of numerical codes has been made.

    Keywords: information, wave, viruses, treatment

  • A simplified definition of the discrepancies between the minimum resources and collections of samples for critical parts of machines

    In article the method of calculation gamma  percentage fatigue resource of an arrow shovel excavator for population of final volume, by means analytical method of definition parameters of Weibull distribution is offered. 
    The made computing experiment has shown that the developed method allows to receive gamma percentage value of a fatigue resource of an arrow shovel excavator by means of transition from the sample data to the population data.  

    Keywords: a resource, an arrow, shovel excavator, population, Weibull

  • Perfection of electronic document circulation of chair of a biomedical profile on the basis of LMS Moodle

    In operation questions of support of flow of documents of chair of a biomedical profile are considered. The current trends of development of domestic and foreign systems of training which, first of all, carry to abbreviation of load of educational and teaching composition are analyzed. On the basis of upgrade of system of flow of documents time expended on examination of pupils is reduced. It is reached at the expense of introduction of new methods of training, such as distant education. Advantages of remote learning which represents a progressive type of the training, allowing connecting in educational process of territorially removed teacher and the trainee are used.

    Keywords: Electronic document circulation, education, automation

  • The improved resource definition set by sampling the boom shovel

    In article the refined method of calculation gamma  percentage fatigue resource of an arrow shovel excavator for population of final volume, by means analytical method of definition parameters of Weibull distribution is offered. 
    The made computing experiment has shown that the developed method allows to receive gamma percentage value of a fatigue resource of an arrow shovel excavator by means of transition from the sample data to the population data.  

    Keywords: a resource, an arrow, shovel excavator, population, Weibull

  • The theoretical model of the laser excitation of acoustic signals in a liquid medium with the presence of nano-sized objects

      Now nanotechnologies are one of perspective methods of diagnostics in medical practice. Nanoparticles can be used as contrast agents for medical ultrasonic introscopy due to their adhesion to tumor cells and bacteria. The mathematical model of the laser excitation of acoustic signals in a liquid medium with the presence of the nanotubes was developed and numerically studied. Increasing of the level of photo acoustic signal was shown.

    Keywords: Opt acoustic effect, nanotubes, and model

  • Simulation of the temperature field in the ground

    Discusses issues of modeling of thermal regime of soil in harmonious fluctuations in air temperature. Developed mathematical model to predict the temperature distribution. Is an example of the calculation for the summer mode  

    Keywords: Heat pump, ground heat exchangers, numerical methods, unsteady mode

  • Economic aspects of food supply in the KBR.

    Reviews the current state of food security in Kabardino Balkaria

    Keywords: food security in the region, the structure of the food processing industry, the consumption of major food

  • Determination of the boundaries sanitary protection zones from the transmitting objects in the city with a complicated relief

      The current stage of development of the sphere of telecommunications services is accompanied by a side effect - electromagnetic pollution. Until recently, the effects of hygienically significant levels of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) were subjected to only a certain number of people associated with professional activities. At the present time due to the powerful development of the telecommunications market in Russia is necessary to speak about the impact of EMR on the entire population. It should be noted that the growth of telecommunications services in Russia are far ahead of all forecasts. In this regard, there is an urgent need for monitoring the electromagnetic environment in the locations of radio transmission of technical objects.

    Keywords: electromagnetic ecology, electromagnetic pollution, zones limits building, sanitary protection zones

  • The direction of development of the food system at the regional level

    The main directions of regional impact on the solution of a question of food supply of the population of the region are considered from the local regional budget.targets of a diversification of management are presented by innovative activity of the industrial enterprise.

    Keywords: food supply of the region, measure of regulation of food supply, structure of actions for regulation of food supply by local authorities

  • Investigation of the process parameters of water purification with tuff aerator

    In the model aeration tank and pilot conditions, there are shown the effectiveness of ceramic aerators made of Artik tufa which is mined in the Republic of Armenia and determined technological parameters of biological and oxidative purification of waste water in the continuous and discontinuous mode of aeration. 

    Keywords: aerators tuff, continuous and discontinuous mode of aeration, Artik field, biological and oxidative purification, waste water, process parameters.

  • High-frequency active filter units mixed SoC based on a current amplifier

    The paper shows the feasibility of using a current amplifier in the filters RF and microwave ranges. By analyzing the basic structure of the second-order level sufficient conditions for the efficient use of active elements. The examples of methodological nature and formulated conclusions of practical importance.

    Keywords: RF filter, microwave filter, parametric sensitivity, current amplifiers, functional modeline setting

  • Study of the temperature influence of internal air on temperature distribution of the heat-insulated floor surface.

    It is considered the dependence of the operation mode of floor radiant panel heating systems depending on the design parameters for the internal air  

    Keywords: panel-radiant heating, heat-insulated floor, parameters of the internal air

  • Hardware to store large data volumes

    One of the problems when storing large amounts of data is a rational choice of media. In this paper we evaluated the possibility of using magnetic tape, CD, DVD, Blu-ray discs, hard disk drives, drives to flash memory (SSD) for storage of large volumes of data with respect to reliability, performance,.cost and high-speed storage. The analysis showed that solid state drives can be used in case of the need for ultra-fast access to live data. The hard disk drive can be used as primary storage devices for storing operational data. DVD and Blu-ray library can be used for archival storage medium volumes (tens of terabytes). Tape libraries can be used to store very large volumes of data (terabytes or more). The lowest cost of storing 1 GB of data is $ 0.03 when you use tape libraries. The most expensive storage 1 GB solid state drive ($ 0.85).

    Keywords: storage devices, data storage, storage drive

  • Development of generator of random numbers on the points of the elliptic curve

    The article is about generators of random numbers (GPN) constructed on points of an elliptic curve and algorithms of development irreducible polynomials over prime fields. It describes their advantages and main features. The authors analyzes the algorithm of development GPN constructed on points of an elliptic curve with using irreducible polynomials of degree three over finite fields. In this approach, calculations were made in the system of residual classes. According to the results of computer simulation shows the advantages of algorithm in speed and security of a cryptosystem.

    Keywords: the generator of pseudo-random numbers, elliptic curve, system of residual classes, cryptographic security, irreducible polynomials