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  • The relationship concepts of post-war reconstruction Chairman of the Committee on Architecture AG Mordvinova, academician of architecture VN Semyonov, the chief architect of the city of Rostov-on-Don Ya Rehbein the example of post-war reconstruction of th

    "Examines the relationship of the concepts on the example of post-war reconstruction of post-war reconstruction of the city of Rostov-on-Don.
    In 1945, the Chairman of the Committee on Architecture AG Mordvinov announced seven conditions under which you can create the city.
    In 1945, the development of the urban plan of rebuilding the city of Rostov-on-Don was appointed academician of architecture VN Semenov.
    In 1949. master plan was finalized at the construction site.
    In general, the basic idea of the architect was executed. Among the fifteen cities prone to restore the city of Rostov was restored in all seven conditions put forward by the Chairman and the Committee for Architecture AG Mordvinov, projected architecture academician VN Semenov and given a reality by means of the chief architect of YA Rehbein."  

    Keywords: master plan, concept, post-war reconstruction, the condition of the city

  • A New Hybrid Table/Analytical Approach to MOSFET Modeling for Cryogenic Technologies

    In this paper, a new simple and accurate hybrid table/analytical model of the MOSFET drain current based on the interpolation of table parameters is proposed. This new hybrid table model has an accuracy similar to the pure table models but requires no complex parameter extraction. The drain current in the hybrid model is calculated as the product of the analytical model current and the correction factor approximated by two-dimensional series.

    Keywords: MOS-transistor, MOSFET parameters, cryogenic temperature, parametric identification

  • Analysis of time series with cig fractal processing

    Briefly discussed the theoretical model of the spectrum of RR intervals and its changes depending on the processes taking place. Made a device for measuring cardiointervalogramms (CIG). Obtained from the renting of data, of varying duration and frequency shall be recorded for further processing. The analysis revealed that the resulting spectrum satisfies the conditions considered in the theoretical model, and can be further analyzed with fractal characteristics. Such an analysis is of great importance in the diagnosis of the patient directly to the duration of the therapeutic procedure for the optimization of both time and intensity exerted influence.

    Keywords: CIG; fractal series; the spectrum of RR intervals

  • Differences of fundamental laws of government purchases existing in system

    The comparative analysis of two main current laws in the field of government procurements the Federal law No. 223-FZ and the Federal Law 94-FZ is considere  

    Keywords: contract auction, government procurements, electronic platforms, federal law, municipal order, public institutions, business concerns

  • Perception of a political order among students of Vladikavkaz in 2012

    Research presented the analysis of the cognitive components of the perception of the political order based on the pilot questioning in Vladikavkaz in 2012. 47 respondents took part in questioning. The questionnaire included a subjective assessment of the following levels the participation in political processes; the emotional involvement into them; discussion of the these processes; economic welfare; social protection; life prospects. In addition, the questionnaire included questions about the degree of religiosity, and also the general questions characterizing the respondent (a sex, age, a nationality, level of parents education). To assess the level of deprivation used the subjective opinion of respondents on the levels of economic welfare and social protection, assessment of prospects in life, and also the degree of involvement in various political processes. Received, the level of involvement of young people in Vladikavkaz in the political processes in society - 1.28, the level of emotional involvement - 1.91. Average consistent level comments political processes in the family - 2.15.  The level of economic well-being and average level of social protection of students: 2.27 and 2.34. Assessment of prospects in life is average - 2.96. It was revealed in 2012, there is a low level of participation in political life with a low level of involvement in the political process. Some parameters of relative deprivation is average, and it is expected that this component will not lead to the formation of political tension.

    Keywords: a political tension, deprivation, group installation in relation to a political order, cognitive component, questionnaire, the descriptive statistics

  • Application of the discriminate analysis for classification of EEG of patients by diabetic encephalopathy

    One of the most widespread endocrine diseases in the world is diabetes therefore its true diagnostics, and also diagnostics of its complications (encephalopathy, complications in cardiovascular system, etc.) is always actual. During carrying out research the analysis of psychological testing of examinees was carried out. Also in this work the attention is paid to application of methods of the statistical analysis for classification of EEG of patients by diabetic encephalopathy and healthy examinees. The most informative indicators of EEG reflecting cognitive functions of a brain were revealed. The interrelation of results of psychological testing and EEG analysis is established.

    Keywords: electroencephalography, diabetic encephalopathy, discriminant analysis

  • Dynamics of a cognitive component group setting among students of Grozny in relation to a political order (according to 2011 - 2012)

    Researches based on results of the questioning among the students of Grozny (GGNI), conducted in 2011 - 2012. Over the entire study period, 525 people were interviewed. The questionnaire consisted of questions focused at identifying the subjective opinions on own relation of respondents to a political order, and also questions opening level of a group relative deprivation. The received results of a cognitive component were processed by a method of the statistical analysis in software package SPSS. It is revealed, increase the level of relative deprivation among a group of students, which may indicate an increase in the level of political tension. Detected, reducing the level of emotional involvement in the political life of the Republic, which is exacerbated by increased levels of alienation from the political process. In the identification of situations among student of Grozny need to direct efforts local government at ending the fall of the level of emotional involvement, as well as to control the level of relative deprivation with fixing it to reach the middle level.

    Keywords: a political tension, deprivation, group installation in relation to a political order, cognitive component, questionnaire, the descriptive statistics

  • Efficiency of the organization of work of a building enterprise

    Personnel records and personnel management within the construction organization is of great importance to increase profits. The complex of the measures raising efficiency of the organization of work in the average and large building enterprises Is offered. The possibility of increase of such efficiency at the organization-investor is investigated  

    Keywords: Management of the personnel, methods, normalization, investments, planning

  • Prospects for the use of genre classification of Web documents in search engines

    The paper discusses possible options for the use of genre classification results of Web documents in search engines. The proposed methods can improve the quality of search engines.

    Keywords: Web document classification, text documents, search engines, search engine results page, search quality, diversity

  • Functional hemodynamic test for endogenous factor influence investigations on the vessel occupancy

      The superposition conception of endogenous factors influence on the hem lymphatic occupancy in the organism vascular system is presented. The main influence factors creating the wave modulation on the pulse blood and lymph flows in the vessels and liquid’s moving in the around tissues are considered in the physical model. On the basis of the model is justified hemodynamic functional test with dosed compression effects on local areas of the body, in which the reaction is analyzed for changes in the spectrum of signals related to the changes exhibited by volume-dynamic changes in the vessels. Shows the functional scheme of the formation of the wave changes hem lymphatic, allowing planning of the study.

    Keywords: Hem lymphatic occupancy, endogenous factors, compression action, spectral analyzing of signals

  • Methods of determining the quality of a comprehensive assessment of complex technical systems in motor vehicles and material handling equipment

    The article describes one of the possible approaches to the investigation of a technique of definition of quality indicators of vehicles and lifting-transport machines, examines the concept - combining numerical estimate of single and complex indices into a single composite index.
    The following algorithms: the algorithm of finding the functional quality systems, represented by the linear form, with varying competence of experts, the algorithm modified method, allowing to make the transition from бифакторного distribution to мультифакторному, which is important when processing expert information; algorithm modified method, characterized by greater commonality and expanding the use of standard computer programmes at the decision of problems of estimation of quality systems on a computer.  

    Keywords: The level of quality of complex technical systems, decomposition methods of technical requirements, functional quality, modified method,algorithm

  • Technique of formation of the investment passport of municipality of the Russian Federation subject

    Increase of investment appeal of municipality - one of the most important directions of social and economic development of territories. Local governments have real possibilities essentially to influence on investment climate of the territory. The most effective tool in this case is the investment passport of municipality - the complex newsletter, calculated for potential investors  

    Keywords: city-planning, investment passport, sustainable development of territories, complex assessment of the territory

  • The information-analytical support of strategic planning of accommodation establishments of education and health within the urban development

    One of the priorities of socio-economic development of the municipality is the effective work aimed at improving the quality of life. In this article the problem of placement for agency of health care and education considers at reconstruction of urban areas. There is an investment attractiveness and environmental condition in focus, when choosing a site location of the agency of health care and education  

    Keywords: Geoinformational systems, environmental safety, investment attractiveness, reconstruction, electronic map

  • Method of screws installation into specified locations during osteosynthetic therapy of fractures of calcaneus fractures

      Depressed calcaneus fractures tend to reveal comminuted nature, and are accompanied by apparent  oedema of soft tissues in the ankle joint and foot zones. Rigidity of calcaneus fracture fixation and ability of an early performance of graduated weight bearing by a certain extremity depend on the precision grade of clamp location in the main splinter body. Presently, this problem is solved by means of an electric-optical image converter application. A method, and an appliance for its practical implementation are being offered, which will provide for an increased precision of a crew/wire installation into the calcaneus, with a simultaneous reduction of radiation exposure on both surgeon and patient. 35 patients with depressed calcaneus fracture were operated according to this method; a therapy result for the period from 6 months to 2.5 years has been made for 8 thereof. The algorithm of therapy did not foresee the external immobilization, the graduated weight bearing commenced after 1.5 months, and the complete weight bearing started after 2.5 months. Redislocation of splinters has not been noticed in any of the cases considered. The appliance offered ensures a high quality of surgical therapy. 

    Keywords: calcaneus fracture, osteosynthesis, cannulated screws, minimally invasive osteosynthesis

  • The system of automated construction of the social network graph

    To analyze social network graph effectively one needs a web-based tool, to parse network data automatically. In the first part of the paper we descibe a structre of the data we gain, including who comments whom information. Then we explain usage of Drupal CMF with Feeds module to parse network data and save it to database. The data obtained consist of name of the comment author, date posted, journal author, comment text, title of the comment. Prepared graph can be exported for further use.

    Keywords: social network graph, web-page parser, drupal cmf, feeds module, comments importer, comments graph