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  • The compelled axisymmetric fluctuations of a bimorph thin circular plate stepwise variable thickness and stiffness

      Is considered non-stationary axisymmetric problem for fine round bimorph plate under the action of the top end surface of the normal stresses, being an arbitrary function of radial coordi-nates and time. On the basis of the theory of Tymoshenko by the method of finite integral transformations built a a new solution for the electroelasticity system stepwise  variable thickness and stiffness. The obtained relations allow to investigate the stress-strain state and the potential difference between external electrodes bimorph elements.  

    Keywords: task reverse piezoelectric effect, thin bimorph plate, axially symmetric dynamic load

  • Flexible piezocomposites with mixed connectivity phases in the system

      Laboratory technology was developed to fabricate flexible piezocomposites with ferroelectric phase - polymers having signal reception factorv • gv 5000 • 10-15 m2 / N. The values of the given coefficient were achieved by switching from a probabilistic (spontaneous) percolation to a correlated one in the process of forming material. This made the production of 0-1–3 piezocomposites, in which a part of piezophase has 0 connectivity, and the other part – 1 connectivity possible. To improve the efficiency of piezocomposite polarization before their manufacturing the surface of piezophase particles, which were obtained by the partial destruction of the porous frameworks, was treated with coupling agent, which did not only improve the polymer adhesion to piezophase, but also allowed the removal of water from the particle surface. The latter effect reduced the value of interfacial conductivity, i.e. prevented the voltage drop of the polarizing field. Matching of polymer conductivity and piezoceramic particles by determining the optimal polarization temperature was carried out as well.  

    Keywords: piezocomposites, percolation, connectivity, electrophysical properties

  • Dynamics of affective political attitudes of students RSSU (first half 2013)

    At the end of 2012 – the middle of 2013 pilot questioning among RGSU students was carried out. In total more than 330 students of the first and second courses were interrogated. The work purpose – measurement of dynamics of an emotional component of group installations in relation to a political order. The emotional component of group political installation was measured on technology of semantic differential. It was offered to estimate to respondents on 20 bimodal scales four types political about. Two ideal – ideally positive and ideally negative orders. And two real – local and central. In the linear approximation calculated levels of emotional perception of the political order in the vicinity of the averaged image of the real image of the ideal order to constructs used in the space of features. Perception of an order at the end of 2012 in Region: -0,21892, in Russia: -0,24154 . To the middle of 2013 level of perception decreased: in Region: -0,59429, in Russia: -0,43879 . For the considered period level of a relative deprivation also was analysed: in 2012 level is equal 0,523 and in 2013 made 0,555. Thus, to the middle of 2013 there is a small increase in level of a deprivation that correlates with deterioration of perception of a political order among youth.

    Keywords: political order, semantic differential, factor analysis, the emotional component, questioning, relative deprivation

  • Problems of transition to the closed systems of a heat supply

    Discusses the problems of transition from open to closed systems of connection of consumers to the heat network. On the basis of fundamental analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the various connection schemes of buildings comparison of energy efficiency and reliability of open and closed systems of a heat supply. Basic conditions guaranteeing the possibility of the device of the closed heating systems in buildings, присоединненных to thermal networks on the open circuit. Shows the need for reconstruction of water supply systems and power supply of the building when it transferred from open to closed scheme accession to the heat network.

    Keywords: heat supply, district heating, closed heat supply scheme, open circuit heat supply, individual heating unit, reliability of heat supply, energy efficiency.

  • Classification expert system for devices and processes in the railroad facilities

    The paper considers system designed to help with the organization of qualification testing of expert groups, as well as in the provision of software tools for expert and automated clustering and classification of devices and equipment of railway automation. The scope of this complex are intelligent systems, devices, and other equipment in work with whom systematic classification of measurements needed. Presented software application designed on Borland Delphi - high level programming language.

    Keywords: expert system, clustering, classification, acceptance testing, diagnostics of technical condition

  • Nonfinancial financing of construction sector entities: Theory

    Credit availability to construction sector entities determines for thin-capitalized construction firms the possibility of survival during the crisis and of efficient growth during the economic recovery. The main lenders for construction sector entities are commercial creditors (suppliers) and banks. Although their credit policies are similar, debt to commercial creditors dominate in the balance sheets of borrowers, because of customary business practices in construction industry and regulatory distinctions.

    Keywords: information asymmetry, agency theory, trade credit

  • The application of the theory of disperse systems for the description of the behavior of the toxic components of the flue and exhaust gases from stationary and mobile sources of urbanized territories

    Considers the most important sources of material pollution of urban territories. A comprehensive approach to studying properties of pollutants, based on the theory of disperse systems. Built block diagram of systematization of parameters that determine the behavior of contaminants from the position of theory of disperse systems. The dependence between the behavior of pollutant aerosol and parameters of its stability.

    Keywords: Contaminant dispersion system, the parameters of pollutant properties, stability of pollutant aerosol

  • Monitoring and evaluation of the strength of concrete at the plants of precast and ready-mix concrete

    Provides a method of representation of the scheme of control and evaluation of concrete strength at the factory. The method does not require detailed text-th maintenance, differs with visibility and convenient for workers of the construction laboratories.

    Keywords: Сontrol of the selling of concrete strength, the party of commodity concrete mixture, the party of the precast concrete and reinforced concrete, the required concrete strength

  • Capital structure determinants of construction companies

    This paper presents key capital structure determinants of construction companies and their impact on fund raising and financing mix formation in accordance with the conditions of construction activity. It was found that profitability and tangibility have a positive effect on leverage, risk - the negative and the effect of company size, assets growth rate and taxes is ambiguous.

    Keywords: capital structure determinants, profitability, risk, taxes, tangibility, construction companies

  • Technologies of definition of the resistance to stress of employees at the enterprises of services sector focused on clients

      The purpose of this work is identification of optimum methods of an as-sessment of a resistance to stress in work of the modern organizations of a services sector. This article considers the major factors influencing effective work of the personnel in a services sector under the influence of various stressful situations.  Categories of the workers who are most subject to psychological instability on workers are defined.   

    Keywords: resistance to stress, testing methods, service economy

  • A hybrid evolutionary algorithm for solving linear systems of equations describing the circuits

    The article describes the main problems of circuit simulation. The problem of solving ill-conditioned systems of linear algebraic equations (SLAE) of large dimension. The modified algorithm is a linear algebraic solutions. Described a hybrid evolutionary algorithm for solving linear systems based on the proposed modified method. The results of the pilot study and comparison of the algorithm with the algorithms based on the traditional methods for solving linear algebraic equation, which confirm the advantages of the hybrid evolutionary algorithm.

    Keywords: Genetic operators, evolutionary algorithm, the system of linear algebraic equations, computer-aided design.

  • A systematic approach to the development of automated systems for urban environmental monitoring

      The article analyzes the structure of automated environmental monitoring in Russia and proposed the concept of setting up such a system in the city with advanced industrial and transport infrastructure.

    Keywords: Automated systems for environmental monitoring

  • The practical application of procedures for the selection of a construction site landfill solid waste consumption

    With a view to the practical use of the proposed method scientifically based selection of the site for the construction of the landfill for the disposal of solid waste consumption of the algorithm, the main stages of the implementation of which correspond to the main stages of site selection methodology. The algorithm provided by the program «Territory» for ЕС.

    Keywords: Solid waste consumption, landfill disposal tvedyh consumption waste, wet waste, environmental safety

  • New designs and technologies of files on the basis of application of solid coatings

    The article presents the new technologies and design tools for опиливания of machine parts. A number of new technical solutions in the field of innovative Metalworking tool for опиливания parts of machines, with a complex of technical and economic advantages over existing analogues. Shows the five variants of constructions and technologies for the production of files and надфилей, based on the use of hard coating. New tools are characterized by a low-cost, low labour-intensiveness of manufacturing and high performance.

    Keywords: tribology, the filing of a painful, spraying, carbide coatings, wear, self-sharpening, reversible cutting plates

  • The structure of data processing unit of multi-sensor system for concentration monitoring of heavy metal ions in aqueous media

    Common conceptions are given about multi-sensor systems. The structure of the data processing unit of multi-sensor system for concentration monitoring of heavy metals ions in aqueous media is described. Main stages of the data processing, – clustering and quantitative identification are introduced. The approach which presupposes use of artificial neural networks, – Kohonen networks and radial basis function networks, is designed. Such algorithmic architecture is implemented which allows to avoid significant computing resources expenses. The program for computer IBM PC in high-level language of application package MATLAB is written.

    Keywords: Multi-sensor systems, artificial neural networks, Kohonen networks, radial basis function networks, data processing, pattern recognition, environmental monitoring, heavy metals, ion-selective electrodes