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  • Road map as a tool of development of the regional market of environmental goods and services

    In the article the expediency of application of the method of road planning as a strategic direction of development of the regional market for environmental goods and services market, the problems of the regulatory framework on the local market. A system of measures for the further development of the market of environmental goods and services.

    Keywords: region, regional economy, sustainable development, local markets, trends

  • Agent based modeling of the social conflict: Osetino-Ingushskiy conflict in the area of village Tarskoe

    Agent based model was developed. This model is showing processes of conflict, which is happening on the area of village Tarskoe. Conflict, which is called Osetino-Ingushskiy started in October 1992, and was not stabilized till today.

    Keywords: agent base modeling, agent-based model, NetLogo

  • Method of improving the performance of digital output stages of gates and differential drivers lines with high capacitive load

    This paper present method of speed increasing differential and no differential driver (output stage transistor logic, emitter and source followers, the circuit of feedback amplifiers, etc.). Сonsiders conditions of correcting circuits design, which compensates the effect of the parasitic capacitance to its range of operating frequencies and the settling time of the transition process.

    Keywords: drivers, emitter and source followers, operational amplifier, correcting circuit, performance, upper frequency limit, rise time transient, stability.

  • System simulation of the service sector: scientific, educational, innovative and cultural aspects

    The paper approaches of different paradigms of simulation in the study of subsystems of modern society, including relating to the service sector - such as cultural complex, the regional scientific environment, the educational and innovation system.  Examples of models appropriate social processes and systems are presented. Concluded that modern experts studying social processes (sociologists, conflict, political scientists) should be able to use the simulation.

    Keywords: simulation, cultural complex, the scientific environment, education system, discrete-event simulation, agent-based modeling

  • Multiagent simulation of DDoS-type network attacks

    The paper describes the problems of information security of internet services when subjected to a distributed network attack. Describes the multi-agent model of attack. A system software simulated attack to study its properties in real time. The analysis of simulation results. An approach to maintain server stability under high load. Described hike proposed to implement on the basis of mechanisms of method "flood-gate".

    Keywords: simulation, multagentnye systems, network threats, DDoS-attack, JADE, the stability of network services

  • Information platform of the dynamically formed measures of the effectiveness

    A detailed description of the platform is provided. We describe key features of the university's indices database including secureness, structure flexibility, access abilities. We demonstrate how user interfaces can be used to fill in database. Also we suggest platform's filling algorithm.

    Keywords: information platform, effectiveness indices, relational database

  • The practice of database formation for live monitoring university's development activity indices and it's rating growth

    We examine database formation that reflects university's development activity indices and it's rating improvement - for this we use the system developed for the Southern Federal University. The task of choosing a multiparametric DBMS is described. Entity-relationship model as a tool for database conceptual design is built. The database of formation and processing process is also modelled, for this we use the UML notation activity diagram.

    Keywords: development activity indices, rating impovement, DBMS (database management system), Entity-relationship model, UML, activity diagram

  • Biomonitoring of environmental genotoxicity of Rostov-on-Don with Pylaisia ​​polyantha

    To assess the genotoxicity of environmental urban ecosystems appropriate to use indicators geno-and cytotoxic extract pilezii Multiflora. Geno-and cytotoxicity of the extract can be assessed by the level of chromosomal aberrations, as well as indicators of the mitotic index in the root meristem of pea, germinated on an extract pilezii Multiflora. When using indicators geno-and cytotoxicity in urban ecosystems should talk about the genotoxicity of the environment in the case of a statistically significant difference from the control of these parameters.

    Keywords: biomonitoring, mutagenicity, test object, chromosome aberrations, cytotoxicity, genotoxicity

  • Experimental research of silicon detector current pulse processing electronic module

    Measurement results of basic characteristics of electronic module based on two specialized analog integrated circuits depending on different square area silicon detectors using source of 239Pu alpha particles is given. Processing of current pulses typically consists to convert them into a voltage by charge sensitive amplifiers and reduce noise by bandpass filters. Earlier for work with avalanche photodiode we have developed, constructed and tested two electronic modules "CRP-MDL-1" and "CRP-MDL-2". During the measurements was investigated spectrometric channel response on exposure to ionizing radiation from a source of alpha particles 239Pu and test input signals, thus we determined basic technical characteristics including energy resolution and noise characteristics. As a result, research found, that the output signal has the following timings: rise time - 1 us (levels of 0.1-0.9), peak time - 1.4 us, fall time - 1.8 us pulse width - 3.5 us. The conversion factor of module working with silicon detector (area of ​​1000 mm2 and a capacity 500 pF) consists about 10.6 mV / fC, or 0.47 V / MeV. Integral nonlinearity of spectrometer path is not worse 0.4% in the range from about 0.1 to 3.2 V. The energy resolution was 89.1 keV line of 5157 keV. The experimental studies revealed that using an external low-noise transistors developed module can be used in the construction of standard radiometric paths. It is appropriate to use the developed design-circuit solutions for implementing 4-channel chip for multi-channel radiometric and spectrometric systems.

    Keywords: silicon detector, charge sensitive amplifier, spectrometer, radiometric system, ionizing radiation

  • On about the features of UAV control systems with flapping wing

    In the article a number of approaches to a flapping wing pilotless vehicle control system synthesis are analyzed. Referred type of pilotless vehicles is possessed of a number of advantages compared to the traditional schemes, but requires a special approach to control system creation because of strong nonlinearity and multicoupling of a controlling object mathematical model. As a result of a control system synthesis approaches analysis a synergetic approach was marked out as the most adequate for the mentioned above type of controlling objects. An idea of prognostics application for the goal of reaching of adaptive control is also set forth. In this case parameters of an object of control and parameters of ambient both are to be forecasted whereby an adaptive behavior of an object of control is expected to be achieved.

    Keywords: control system, pilotless vehicle, control theory, “barrier of dimensionality”, synergetic approach, adaptation, prognostic.

  • The loosely coupled algorithm of integrated INS-GPS navigation system of the vehicle

    The existing approaches to the integration of relatively cheap strapdown inertial navigation system (SINS) based on MEMS-based technology and satellite navigation systems (SNS) are ineffective in relation to motor vehicles. We consider the iterative algorithm for the loosely coupled mode of integration of heterogeneous navigation systems do not intend to use the optimal estimation. The solution is obtained on the basis of the fully nonlinear model of the navigation system of the vehicle and the, therefore, is valid for arbitrary and unknown in advance nature of his movements, and, in the most general assumptions about the level of disturbances acting upon him.

    Keywords: vehicle, integrated inertial navigation satellite system, loosely coupled iterative algorithm

  • Application of the system of voluntary certification of works on labour safety at the enterprise, as a factor of improvement of OSH

    In this article showed the data about the system of voluntary certification of works on labour protection. The certification process involves the confirmation of compliance of the enterprise (organization) on security and labour protection, to the established state normative requirements. Implementation of the procedure of certification of the state of labour protection works is the main condition for the improvement of the OSH management system in the organization.

    Keywords: certification of works on labour protection, assessment of the state of labour protection in the organization, improvement of OSH

  • Simulation of failures and their elimination on financial markets with the events flow generated by a binary tree

    A financial market on a stochastic basis with a filtration generated by the binary tree is considered. A plugin simulating failures on this market is constructed. We mean by a failure the following situation on the financial market: when passing from a time moment  to the next one new events arise but discounted price of the fixed type stock does not change. A failure generates the incompleteness of the market (the set of martingale measures of this market is infinite). By modelling of a weak deformation it is possible to reduce the set of martingale measures to a unique measure. Thereby the price of every contingent claim is uniquely determined. This price may be considered as "fair price".

    Keywords: Stochastic basis, probability measure, financial market, binary tree, arbitrage free, completeness, weak deformation, martingale measure, plugin.

  • Computing intelligence method based on the molecular interaction model in the cell

    The authours is viewed the new method formalization of computing intelligence, which use molecular interaction model  in the cell. The method parametr adjustment is described. The technological reseach of  marketing verbal proposal  marketing strategies example influence on  the number of potential cliens is introduced.

    Keywords: Computing intelligence, molecular interaction model in the cell, bad formalizable management strategies, business planning

  • Health keeping models of professional socialization of student’s youth in uncertain social conditions.

    The article considers opportunities of model’s approach to practice of health keeping in the context of professional socialization of student’s youth in the modern uncertain social conditions. The author also suggests the health keeping factors model of professional socialization of student’s youth having a personal-focused direction.

    Keywords: health keeping models, professional socialization, student’s youth, conditions of uncertain social, factor’s model, personal-focused direction