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  • Features of development of light self-compacting concrete on porous fillers

    Possibility of receiving lungs self compacting concrete is considered. The technique of a choice of components of a raw mix is offered and are brought physics - mechanical characteristics of a ready construction materia  

    Keywords: Self-compacting concrete, the supersoftener, knitting, filler.

  • Mathematical modeling of heat transfer processes in energy-saving solar plants

    A mathematical model of heat transfer processes, the discrete model is based on the finite difference method, and the results of calculations of the temperature distribution also will be developed. In addition the program was created which allows to calculate the distribution of temperature over its entire length for given values ​​of insolation, ambient air temperature and air velocity inside the collector  

    Keywords: mathematical modeling, finite difference method, heat transfer processes, solar collector

  • Architectural projection as a result of interaction between natural and hard science by means of module systems in the educational process of students studying on architectural department

    The item under consideration is the possibility of implementing into the educational process for students of architectural departments a space-composition modeling of module origami as a mean that shows visually the interaction between the fullerene structure and the fractal principle of development for natural and geometrical objects and architecture.

    Keywords: professional education, space-composition modeling, modular systems, architectural design, fractal, fullerene, module origami

  • Marketing strategy: features in services complex of the region (on the example of the Rostov region)

    In article it is briefly considered stages of formation of definition of strategic marketing in scientific literature of Russia. The importance of a services sector in economy and the importance of modernization of the given sphere for the general development of economy as a whole locates. The analysis of dynamics of paid services to the population that will allow to reveal the sphere of servants with the greatest volume of consumption among the population is carried out. Are considered the sphere of transport services of the Rostov region, as a result of research SWOT analysis of marketing strategy is carried out to projections to the sphere of transport services of the Rostov region and recommendations to transport companies of the Rostov region for a choice of suitable marketing strategy are made.

    Keywords: diversification of management, production diversification, financial and economic purposes of a diversification, technological purposes of ensuring flexibility of production

  • New means for measurement of parameters of piezoelectric ceramic elements and materials

     An analysis of new methods and means for a mesurement of parameters of piezoelectric ceramic elements and materials is carried out. These methods and means are based on a digital principle of the construction of devices. An impuls with a linear frequncy modulation therein is used as an signal for exciting. Results of experimental studies on this subject are represented for discussion.     

    Keywords: piezo ceramic element, piezo, methods and means of measurement, digital signal processing

  • The social analyze of the conceptual models of social health.

    The sociological study of conceptual models of social health serves an important aspect of studying the potential of man and  the system of the formation, preservation and tracking health in the modern society. An author analyses the models of the social health in sociological knowledge. Concluded that further research and application of study that phenomenon.    

    Keywords: Sociological analyze, social health, biosocial model, environmental model, value-social model, the functional model

  • Hybrid algorithm of classification of text documents on the basis of the analysis of internal connectivity of the text

    Results of research in the field of methods of classification of badly structured collections of heterogeneous documents are provided. The method is offered and the hybrid algorithm of classification of text documents is developed. The theoretical assessment of complexity of the offered method is executed and the pilot study is made. In article it is considered: mathematical model of the offered hybrid method, its algorithm, theoretical assessment of computing complexity and the experimental comparing with other methods of classification of documents.

    Keywords: fuzzy logic, bayesian classification, classification of text documents.

  • Adaptive autonomous scripts for management of information resources of the enterprise

    We consider the problem of the use of adaptive autonomous scripts in the decision of problems of management of information resources of computer systems. Developed a conceptual model of adaptive autonomous script with use of frames and apparatus of finite automata, which expands the possibilities of automation of complex problems of information resources management  

    Keywords: adaptive autonomous scripts, theory of finite automata, frame, slot, management of distributed information resources.

  • Formation exact self-similar solution of the problem of hydrodynamic thrust bearing calculation, which has a higher load capacity and damping properties, working on a two-layer lubrication in the transient regime of friction

    In this paper is presented a method of forming an exact self-similar solution of the problem of calculating the hydrodynamic thrust bearing with an adapted profile support surface and emfiruyuschimi properties in the transient regime of friction. Prepared and conducted evaluation of the main working characteristics: dimensionless load carrying capacity, dimensionless friction force and dimensionless costs. The optimal parameters for the main performance are gotten.

    Keywords: thrust bearing, two-layer lubrication, porous layer, the nonstationary problem

  • Being self-compacting concrete of the lowered density with application of a volcanic tufa

    Advantages of being self-сщьзсештп concrete of the lowered density (LSUB) before heavy and light concrete are shined, characteristics of components ЛСУБа and influence of their quantitative contents are provided in a mix on properties of the fresh and hardened concrete. The optimum mode of warmly moist processing is offered.

    Keywords: Self-compacting concrete, the supersoftener, knitting, filler, a volcanic tufa.

  • Solution of one-criterion optimization problem of crew actions scheduling on Russian segment of International space station

    The flight scheduling process is briefly described in the article. It is one of the most important stages of space flight control task solution. Three stages of flight scheduling are given: strategic, tactical and executive. The result of each scheduling phase is presented by special plan type: on-orbit operation summary, weekly lookahead plan, short-term plan. The difference of these plan types is in planning interval and data processing depth. The mathematical modeling of all required data and restrictions is made. A crew downtime minimization is the selected optimization criterion. Modified genetic algorithm for decision of assigned task is designed. The future tasks regarding crew activities scheduling process optimization are defined  

    Keywords: scheduling, flight operation, crew activities, optimization, mathematical modeling, genetic algorithm

  • Silent interval detection in speech signals

    A voice activity detector (VAD) is a device, which analyses a speech signal and generates the signal corresponding to the period containing only noise. In the present work is offered VAD, which increases the probability of correct detection the presence or absence of human speech.
    The correct detection begins with SNR 7-10 dB. The quality of  derived speech signal remains the same.  

    Keywords: voice activity detection, voice activity detector, VAD, silent interval detection, speech, speech signals

  • Issues of case-based reasoning, detalization, integration and similarity assessment of cases

    Case is an event that took place in the past and can be an example for similar steps in present. Case-based reasoning (CBR) is a methodology of finding a decision based on previous experience. The main difficulties in CBR are recognition of present situation of decision-making and finding similar case in the past. Making a decision in the field of purchasing drugs is a quite difficult and many-valued task with a plenty of various parameters, which however might be solved with the help of CBR. CBR is an important and perspective area of artificial intelligence (AI) decision support systems. Constantly growing research amount has already led to breakthroughs in theoretical part of AI and in AI-based applications. The general case model and formula for determining cases similarity is suggested in this work. Application of the formula will help determine similarity of cases and make the better decision.

    Keywords: case, case-based reasoning, case description, decision support system, case-based decision making

  • Key component of a personnel management system

    Selection of shots – one of key components of a personnel management system. Trial and error methods of the personnel share on active and passive, and sources of attraction of shots – external and internal. Active trial and error methods use, in the majority when on a labor market demand exceeds the offer. Passive trial and error methods use when the offer on a labor market exceeds demand. Most widespread of passive methods can call placement of announcements in which the name of open vacancy, requirements to competitors is indicated to a position, work terms of payment. To external sources of attraction of the shots, applied most actively, rank: the announcement on television, in newspapers, on radio, on the Internet; visit by employees of the company of educational institutions; appeal to the centers of employment of the population and staff recruitment agency. Search plus in the company is that fact that when filling vacancy to this position the person familiar with orders of the organization, with its personnel and rate of work that is pledge of successful work gets. The worker adapts for a new position easier. Advantage of an internal set is an increase of motivation at employees to better performance of duties. One more plus – comparative low cost in comparison with external. Qualitatively new approach to selection of the shots arriving for work in the prestigious companies is offered. The experts possessing desire and ability of strategic planning of development of business and as persons are necessary for the advanced company.  

    Keywords: personnel, selection, selection, integrated approach, strategic thinking, profit, collective

  • Automatic air temperature measurement system airflow

    A scheme of the experimental setup of the jet air temperature measurement. Experimental results confirm the dependence of the frequency stabilnost pneumatic signal from the flow temperature with a large number of measurements.

    Keywords: pneumatics, temperature, piezo, airflow, sensor stuyny