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The ESC architectural pattern as a way to implement an object-oriented approach in programming


The ESC architectural pattern as a way to implement an object-oriented approach in programming

Ignatieva O.V., Vedernikova O.G., Moskat N.A.

Incoming article date: 11.08.2024

A programming method based on the ESC pattern is presented. The relevance of the work is due to the fact that the object-oriented approach is one of the most popular and sought-after ways to develop an information product due to a huge regularly updated selection of various methods, templates and ways of its implementation. The most significant of them is Entity System Component (ESC). This method of implementing OOP allows you to make the software product flexible and extensible. The ESC pattern is based on the reactive programming method and divides the entire code architecture into three components: entity, system, component. The tool package that implements the ESC pattern is the ESC DOTS package, designed for the Unity3D environment. The built-in Jobs System package provides the ability to work with multi-threaded programming in Unity. This package distributes threads created at runtime into groups of a certain type, which have a strictly limited execution time. Thus, the task of enumerating an array of several hundred elements goes into a Temp type thread, which runs for one frame in Unity, and the enumeration of a million polygons of the Unity landscape is placed in a Persistent type thread, which has an unlimited time limit.

Keywords: object-oriented programming, Unity framework, ESC pattern, multi-threaded programming, reactive programming, extensible architecture, package manager