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Experimental study of steel pipe reinforced with carbon fiber composite material under internal pressure tensile loading


Experimental study of steel pipe reinforced with carbon fiber composite material under internal pressure tensile loading

Kalugin I.A., Nikonova E.V.

Incoming article date: 19.06.2024

The paper discusses the use of carbon fiber composite materials for reinforcement of specimens made of pipe sections in tension under the action of internal pressure. Experimental investigations of steel pipes under the action of internal pressure both without reinforcement and with different number of reinforcement layers with carbon tape are described. The main interest is in the joint operation of the pipe wall and external reinforcement elements. Significant influence of external reinforcement on stiffness and deformability of the specimens is noted.

Keywords: high-strength fiber, carbon fiber, carbon tape, adhesion layer, pipe, external reinforcement system, polymer composites, tensile strength