Vilinov I. E. , Razdorskiy S.A., Smirnov E.B., Cabins of cranes: experimental researches the vibrating acoustic characteristics
In article results of experimental researches of noise and vibrations in cabins of bridge cranes are resulted. Measurements were spent in the conditions of Open Society "Rostvertol" factories, Joint-Stock Company «Factory on release KPO» by a measuring instrument of noise and vibrations of VSHV-003 М2. In the course of measurements octava levels of sound pressure and speed were fixed.
Keywords: measurements, a spectrum noise, vibration, octava levels, sound pressure, speed, the bridge crane, a cabin, sound insulation, a sanitary code
Morgun V. N., The Role of expanding additives in management of properties of foam concretes
Regulating a parity between Al2O3 and SO3 as a part of cement knitting, it is possible to operate material structure of new growths and to regulate deformations properties of fibrofoamconcretes.
Keywords: foam concrete, fiber-foam concrete, expanding additives
Smirnova P. V., Influence of duration of stirring on parameters of air entrainment at manufacture of concrete mixes
The abstract: It is fixed, that aggregate sustainability of froths is in dependence from reference temperature of water. The assaying of received obtained data’s displays, that the temperature drop up to +4 C augments a continuance of their steady existence, thus the temperature of water controls duration of agitating foam concrete mixtures in a turbulent concrete mixer.
Key words: froth, fiber-foam concrete, temperature of water, plastic durability, formation of structure.
Min’kov D.V., Zotov V.V., Belousov M.N., Bachkirov O.M., Sedin E.B., The automated system of preparation of manufacture of innovative production
At enterprise NPO «Orion VDM» the system of the automated preparation of manufacture of the innovative production, consisting of a program-software , connected with the machine tool and the measuring equipment is designed and introduced. The system of the automated preparation of manufacture of innovative production not only allows to raise level of study of the technological documentation, to raise accuracy of calculations of labour expenses and economical indicators, to provide manufacture by the documentation complete set, to reduce quantity of a spoilage in production, but also to create conditions for a professional training.
Keywords: the automated system, flexible manufacture, manufacture preparation, innovative production, a program-software, the machine tool equipment, the measuring equipment, a professional training
Khodorich I.A., Institutsionalnye transformations of objects of the public property to the Russian economy
In given article process of functioning of objects of the public property in market transformations which has shown is analysed that the state dominant in the Russian economy is shown that economic activities of the enterprises of public patterns of ownership keep the place in economic system on character, value and scales of made production.
Keywords: the public property, institutional transformations, municipal sector.
Gorelova I. S., Theory-game modeling of adaptation of territorial capacities to market social and economic conditions
In work possibilities of theory-game statements of problems of decision-making are considered; it is offered to use cognitive an information technology for modeling of poorly structured problem situations in the social environment. Developed mathematical models are intended for blocks of support of administrative decisions in intellectual systems.
Keywords: socially - economic system, administrative decisions, theory-game modeling, the cognitive analysis, technologies Data Mining, intellectual systems.
Radtchenko S.A., Working out of software of research of stability of social and economic systems
In work the program system Program System Cognitive of Modeling is described, allowing in a complex to solve problems of the analysis of social, political and economic situations and realizing the offered methodology когнитивного modeling of difficult systems. Thus the emphasis is made on programming and realization of functions of the structural analysis: finding-out of laws of development of situations, revealing of "good" and "bad" scenarios, the analysis of interaction of various subsystems and co-operating components, search of mechanisms of influence on a control system. Algorithms of the developed program system of support of acceptance of administrative decisions in social and economic system are based on когнитивном and scenery modeling, methods of the theory of counts and the theory of systems.
Keywords: the analysis, socially - economic system, cognitive modeling, the structural analysis, algorithm, program system